LinaLucca Package Process
We process your order within 24 hours and it is shipped to you within 3-4 workdays. The couriers only collect and deliver parcels during weekdays. If you need your parcel urgently, please send us an e-mail.
For collection in Kroonstad, it's free. For delivery everywhere else, it's R85.
Currently, we only ship to all the areas in South Africa. If you live outside South Africa but really love our products, send us an e-mail.
Yes, if the product arrives damaged, please contact us. You must return your product within 30 days of the product being shipped.
Short answer: yes. If you order before 11am Mondays to Fridays, we can have your parcel with you that same day, it does however depend on where you live. If you require same day delivery, please give our team a call BEFORE you place your order - 072 498 2252. They will contact our couriers to check whether the delivery can be done in time.
Yes cork material is durable. In fact, it compares well to animal leather, which is why it is referred to as "vegan leather". Cork bark can be processed in different ways. The cork used for wine bottle lids are processed differently to cork leather, although it comes from the same cork oaks.
Yes it is. It's one of the wonderful qualities of cork that animal leather does not have. PS: The cover doesn't make your phone waterproof though. ;)
No, it's not harmful to the cork oak trees. In fact, the more the bark of a cork oak is harvested, the more smooth and beautiful the texture of the bark becomes, because it regrows each time. The bark of a cork oak tree is harvested every 8 years.